Friday, August 22, 2008


some can take more of it than others, we all like to escape it from time to time. a movies a book the tv alcahall and drugs. some of us dont want anything to do with it and make varius cinds of fictional places to live in. with religions and politacal belifes as if thay are reality, even when shone thay are not over and over blatenly but for thease typ people this gives them more things to make up not snap them out of anything and propels them futher away from reality. i wanted to live in reality for a while befor i died i think its the only way i can say i truly lived. changing the things you can exepting the things you cant. its a berden to no whats going on in the world and with your counry no wonder we all need some escape. i still belive we all would be better off if all the people where represented in the world but thats not reality. so i chang what i can to make mine berible and escape from time to time with a movie.